15 Eye-Catching DIY Garden Decorations

6. Golf Ball Buggies

Golf Ball Buggies

These ladybugs are guaranteed to invite smiles and creative play. Tutorial at Artdrops Tatjana ( This blog is not in english, but you can follow the photos, which are really self explanatory )

7. Earth-Wise Owls

Earth-Wise Owls

The materials are all household items, making it entirely recycled with the exception of the glue. Tutorial at Empress of Dirt

8. Decorative Metal Spheres

Decorative Metal Spheres

Tutorial: Retropolitan Hip

9. Add a Bike to Your Garden Just for the Fun of It

Bicycle planter

So pretty! I just love old bikes with flowers in their baskets. Via: Oganized Clutter

10. Decorative Garden Balls

Decorative garden balls

Great way to recycle some old household items and turn them into garden art.

Tutorial at Empress of Dirt

1 Comment

  1. How could one not get so excited and happy just looking at the fantastic things we can make. I am an old lady and my mind id jumping all over this page. I would tip my hat to you if I was wearing one. Can’t wait to share these ideas with my sisters of a new age. Old. But not dead. Thanks, Shalon

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