15 of the Best DIY Outdoor Lighting Ideas

11. Sun Jar Lights

Sun Jar Lights

The light look like a delicate glowing sun.. Tutorial at Fox and Feather

12. Wine Glass Candle Lampshades

Wine Glass Candle Lampshades

These can be scattered across the table and will make unique tones and shades of light. Tutorial at Popsugar

13. Paper Bag Luminarias

Paper Bag Luminarias

Create your own and start lighting your backyard inexpensively with beautiful effects. Tutorial at Save on Crafts

14. Shuttlecock Lights Garland

shuttlecock lights garland

A set of plastic badminton shuttlecocks will turn a regular garland of lights into a bright and original conversation piece. Tutorial at Kittenhood

15. Beer Bottle Christmas Lights

Beer Bottle Christmas Lights

This is a fun project! Now I know how to recycle my beer bottles!

Tutorial at Snacker Doodles


  1. Thanks so much for including my beer bottle lights!! Love this list. So many fun ideas!

  2. Great .!!!thank you so much for share important ideas.

  3. Wow amazing Decorate…really i like it for outdoor lighting idea… http://www.evaevents.in

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