16 Creative Ways to Reuse and Upcycle Milk Jugs

Did you know you can turn old plastic milk jugs into awesome upcycled DIY projects? The best part of creating cool things from milk jugs is that you don’t have to pay for them. What I’m saying is they’re trash! But when you are a DIY-er, you know that some trash can be a perfect material for upcycling into something fantastic. Try out these smart new ways to reuse those old milk jugs in your house!

Remember to rinse out plastic milk jugs well before you craft with them.

1. Recycled Milk Cartons For Storage

Recycled Milk Cartons For Storage

Store your craft materials, leftover fabric, and kids’ art supplies.

Tutorial via sewmanyways.blogspot.com

2. Need a scoop? Cut up your milk jug

Via: naver.com

3. Watering Jug

Watering Jug

All you have to do is pierce the milk bottle lid. Via: ajourneytoadream.blogspot.co.uk

4. Pot Plant Saucer

Via: inmysanctuary.net

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