20 Awesome DIY Backyard Ideas That Will Make Your Neighbors Jealous

When it comes to your backyard, the size doesn’t matter, you can create an incredible oasis that’ll be a wonderful place for kids and adults. There are various things that you can do that will cost not much and will make a huge improvement in your outdoor living spaces.

Check out these awesome and affordable DIY projects and take your backyard from “blah” to “WOW THAT IS AWESOME”

1. Put Up Cupcake Lights

Cupcake Lights

It is a sweet way to decorate your backyard without spending a lot of money.

Instructions at cfabbridesigns.com

2. Repurpose an Old Chandelier as a Pretty Bird Feeder

Repurpose an old chandelier as a pretty bird feeder

Via: craftster.org

3. Create Glowing Orbs for Your Yard

Glowing Outdoor Orbs

Those are sooo cool! Tutorial via theartofdoingstuff.com

4. Make a Garden Fountain

and bring on the water sounds.

Garden Fountain

Full Tutorial: instructables.com

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