20+ Easy Craft Ideas for Kids

Kids love crafts, and these easy to make projects that we’ve rounded up below are sure to provide hours of fun and entertainment! Most of the supplies needed for these kid-friendly crafts can be found around the house or can be purchased inexpensively at craft or dollar stores.

Pom Pom Caterpillars

1. DIY Pom Pom Caterpillars from Think Crafts


Woven Craft Stick Butterflies

2. Woven Craft Stick Butterflies from The Craft Train


Paper Spinner

3. DIY Paper Spinner from Make and Takes

Ladybug Painted Rocks

4. Ladybug Painted Rocks from Crafts by Amanda


Easy Beaded Snakes

5. Easy Beaded Snakes from Homan at Home


Hawaiian Flower Lei Necklace!

6. Hawaiian Flower Lei Necklace from The Crafting Chicks


Easy Paper Plate Sunshine Craft

7. Easy Paper Plate Sunshine Craft from Daisy Cottage Designs


Cherry Blossom Tissue Paper Flower Craft

8. Cherry Blossom Tissue Paper Flower Craft from Pink Stripey Socks


TP Roll Binoculars

9. TP Roll Binoculars from Red Ted Art


Paper Straw Tulips

10. Paper Straw Tulips from I Heart Crafty Things


Button Tree Canvas Art

11. Button Tree Canvas Art from Simply Designing


Clothespin Airplanes

12. Clothespin Airplanes from DIY Inspired


Key Wind Chime

13. DIY Key Wind Chime from Inner Child Fun


recycled tin can windsocks

14. Recycled Tin Can Windsocks from Happiness is Homemade


Bread And Peanut Butter Bird Feeder

15. Bread And Peanut Butter Bird Feeder from Simple as That


Mason Jar Aquarium

16. Mason Jar Aquarium from Hello Wonderful


Paper Cup Yarn Wrapped Owl Craft

17. Paper Cup Yarn Wrapped Owl Craft from Kids Craft Room


3D Doily Flowers

18. 3D Doily Flowers from Crafty Morning


Cork Sailboat

19. DIY Cork Sailboat from Mama.Papa.Bubba


Paper Roll Animals

20. Paper Roll Animals from Frugal Fun 4 Boys


Craft Stick Crocodile Craft

21. Craft Stick Crocodile Craft from Easy Peasy and Fun


Milk Carton Bird Houses

22. Milk Carton Bird Houses from Handmade Charlotte

If you want to save these ideas for later, make sure to pin the image below!

20+ Easy Craft Ideas for Kids

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