10 DIY Chicken Feeders and Waterers

10 DIY Chicken Feeders and Waterers

The chicken house is one of the most important things you should to take care in your chicken growing adventure. Another important aspect is feeding your chickens – that is where a feeder comes in handy. If you are not convinced to spend lots of money on purchasing feeders or waterers you might want to opt for the DIY version. Here are 10 DIY chicken feeders and waterers for your flock!

1. Chicken Feeder from 5-Galon Buckets

Chicken Feeder from 5-Galon Buckets

Works like a charm – open the lid add more food – you can also hang it. (Get the tutorial at Bless this Mess)

2. Wooden Feeder

Wooden feeder

Awesome chicken feeder from wood. To build it you’ll need excellent assembling and wood cutting skills. (Plans and details: Backyard Chickens)

3. PVC Chicken Feeder

PVC Chicken Feeder

Build a simple and cheap feeder for chickens from PVC pipe and fittings. (Get the instructions at Instructables)

4. Treadle Chicken Feeder

Treadle Chicken Feeder

With the right materials and equipment you can build this treadle chicken feeder, as shown in the photo. (Detailed instructions at Woodworking Corner)

5. Rain Gutter Chicken Waterer

Scrap Guttering Chicken Waterer

via Backyard Chickens

6. Chicken Nipple Waterer

Chicken Nipple Waterer

Economical way to provide fresh, clean water to your chickens on a continuous basis. Your chickens would suck the nipples whenever they want to have some water. (Get the instructions at Peak Prosperity)

7. Glass Chicken Waterer

Glass Chicken Waterer

Here’s the easiest and cost effective kind of automatic diy chicken waterer. (Tutorial at Natural Chicken Keeping)

8. Rain Collecting Automatic Chicken Waterer

Rain Collecting Automatic Chicken Waterer

Automatic chicken waterer, that has a large barrel for water collection, a stable stand, and a commercial water bowl. (Full instructions at Farm Folly)

9. Reuse old Plastic Bottles as Chicken Waterer

Reuse old plastic bottles as a chicken waterer

via Obsidian’s Ramblings

10. Milk Jug Chicken Waterer

milk jug waterer

Here’s the last and inexpensive way to make a homemade chicken waterer in just a few minutes of your time. (via Laura Rittenhouse)

Check also → 15 Amazing DIY Chicken Coop Plans, Designs and Ideas

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