12 Fun & Easy Clothespin Crafts Everyone Can Make

Clothespins aren’t just for hanging clothes anymore! They can be used to create adorable crafts, decor and can be useful in other ways. Here’s a collection of 12 fun and easy clothespin crafts to get you started. You’ll be surprised at how awesome clothespins can look!

1. Clothespin Chandelier

Tutorial: Young House Love

2. Clothespin Planter

Tutorial: Family Chic by Camilla Fabbri


3. Clothespin Plant Markers

Clothespin Plant Markers

Tutorial: Creative Green Living


4. Clothespin Wreath

Clothespin Wreath

Tutorial: Inspiring Creations


5. Clothespin Necklace

Clothespin Necklace

Tutorial: Onelmon


6. Clothespin Mirror

Clothespin Mirror

Tutorial: Whats Ur Home Story


7. Clothespin Snowflake Wall Art

clothespin snowflake wall art

Tutorial: Design Improvised


8. Colorful Clothespin Trivets

Colorful Clothespin Trivets

Tutorial: Dream a Little Bigger


9. Clothespin Scarf Holder

Clothespin Scarf Holder

Tutorial: DIYs


10. Decorative Lamp

Decorative Lamp

Tutorial: DIYnCrafts


11. DIY Kid-Sized Foosball Table

Kid-Sized Foosball Table

Tutorial: U-Create


12. Wooden Clothespin Cross

Wooden Clothespin Cross

Tutorial: Muy Bueno Cookbook

12 Fun & Easy Clothespin Crafts Everyone Can Make

1 Comment

  1. I use clothes pegs for all sort of functions from closing bread bags to keep it fresh, to holding things together while I put together a craft project, to hanging those same craft projects, to keeping papers clipped together……..

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